While Rust already has a LinkedList data structure in the standard library, making your own is a fun and interesting way to learn more about Rust.

By programming your own linked list in Rust, you’ll learn more about Rust’s language features, some foundational programming topics and how to work more peacefully alongside the infamous Rust borrow checker.

I’ve struggled in the past to wrap my head around how the different features of Rust come together to make a linked list, but I’ve made a breakthrough in understanding that I’m happy to share.

Let’s get started!

The Problem

For a quick recap, a linked list allows for data to be stored in nodes that point to other nodes in sequence. A doubly linked list has nodes that point to the previous node and the next node.

List-type data structures are typically stored in contiguous regions of memory that are resized to accommodate more elements as they grow in size. The reallocation and copying of list elements take an increasing amount of time, growing in proportion to the size of the list. While adding elements to a list data structure runs with amortised constant time complexity, the periodic reallocation and copying may present noticeable performance impacts at large sizes.

Linked-list-type data structures are typically stored in dynamically allocated heap memory, with the nodes not necessarily stored in a particular order. Adding and removing items from a linked list will always be a constant time operation without the additional overhead of reallocating and copying its elements into larger sections of memory.

These useful properties of the linked list allow it to be used in modeling queues and stacks of objects or data items in programming problems. You’ll be happy you dove down this rabbit hole!

The Approach

To approach this problem in Rust, we’ll need two data structures:

  • A Node<T> to store a single data item of generic type T
  • A LinkedList<T> to store a sequence of data items of generic type T

Implementing these operations for our LinkedList will provide some of the basic functionality we need:

  • Create a new empty list
  • Push data items to the front or back of the list
  • Pop data items from the front or back of the list
  • Calculate the length of the list

To balance the potential complexity of our LinkedList, our implementation won’t cover these operations:

  • Modify data items after they’ve been added to the list
  • Add data items between nodes

These limitations are great opportunities for you to take what we are implementing and extend it further yourselves.

Storing the data: Node

Let’s start by defining our Node struct to hold a generic data type T. Our Node will contain a data item, along with a previous and next Node which may or may not be present.

/// A node containing a data item and links to previous and next nodes.
struct Node<T> {
    data: Rc<T>,
    prev: Link<T>,
    next: Link<T>,

By storing our data item in a referenced-countered pointer (Rc), there isn’t a need to clone or copy the data when creating a new node.

Rust needs to know the size of structs at compile-time, which causes some issues for self-referencing data types. If we set the type of the prev and next fields to be Node<T>, we get a compiler error message like the below:

error[E0072]: recursive type `Node` has infinite size
   --> src/data_structures/linkedlist.rs:127:1
127 | struct Node<T> {
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
128 |     data: Rc<T>,
129 |     prev: Node<T>,
    |           ------- recursive without indirection

The compiler error message is giving us a hint for how to proceed. We are being nudged towards using indirection, which is another way to talk about pointers.

To deal with this compiler error, we need to provide some kind of pointer in place of a direct copy of a Node. We can define a custom type Link<T> as an indirect wrapper for our Node:

type Link<T> = Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>;

There is a lot packed into this single expression, so let’s break it down:

  • Node<T>: This is the Node that the Link connects the current Node to
  • RefCell<T>: The RefCell type allows us to leverage the interior mutability design pattern provided by Rust. Since our Node is stored on the heap inside of the RefCell, we need the Rust borrowing rules to be enforced at runtime rather than compile time. By taking advantage of interior mutability, we can engage more flexibly with the Rust borrowing rules.
  • Rc<T>: In many cases with Rust, it’s clear that each variable has a single owner. However, each Node will have multiple owners, including its previous and next node, and the overarching LinkedList itself for the head and tail nodes. In our case, we need to have a reference-counted pointer to keep track of our multiple owners and allow the Rust compiler to determine when to drop the variable when it no longer has any owners.
  • Option<T>: Since our Node may or may not have another Node before or after it, we need to represent this duality. In Rust, we achieve this optional state with the Option enum. If there isn’t a link from a Node, the prev or next field for our Node will be the None variant of Option. Otherwise, the fields will be an instance of the Some variant containing a reference-counted pointer Rc.

Note that because our Link type uses Rc (referenced-counter pointer) instead of Arc (atomic referenced-counted pointer), our implementation of Node is not thread-safe.

Node constructor

Each of our Node methods will be enclosed in a block: impl<T> Node<T> { ... } This allows our methods to take data items of the generic type T, making our Node quite flexible!

Now that we know how our Node will link to others, we can implement the new() method. Each Node will start out holding as a data item of the generic type T and not connected to a previous or next Node.

/// Creates a new Node containing the given data item. The previous and next
/// node links are set to None.
fn new(data: T) -> Node<T> {
    Node {
        data: Rc::new(data),
        prev: None,
        next: None,

Node setters

Our methods for updating the previous and next nodes will be fairly straightforward. Using our referenced-counted Link, we only need to clone the other link when using our setting methods. The logic to ensure two nodes next to each other are pointing at each other correctly will be handled by our LinkedList.

/// Updates the previous node.
fn set_prev(&mut self, other: &Link<T>) {
    self.prev = other.clone();

/// Updates the next node.
fn set_next(&mut self, other: &Link<T>) {
    self.next = other.clone();

Node getters

In a similar vein to our Node setter methods, our getter methods only need to clone the next or previous links.

/// Gets the previous link from the Node via cloning.
fn get_prev(&self) -> Link<T> {

/// Gets the next link from the Node via cloning.
fn get_next(&self) -> Link<T> {

To get the data stored by our Node without needing to clone or copy the data, we can return a clone of the referenced-counted pointer to it.

As a convenience for our LinkedList implementation, we will define a static method to create a new Link from a data item T:

/// Creates a new Link containing the given data item.
fn new_link(data: T) -> Link<T> {

With our Node struct and its methods implemented, we can move on to our LinkedList implementation.

Linking the nodes together: LinkedList

Our LinkedList needs to keep track of its first and last nodes (the head and tail nodes), and its length.

/// An implementation of a doubly linked-list. Not thread-safe. Note that the
/// data items contained within nodes cannot be changed after they have been
/// added to the linked-list.
pub struct LinkedList<T> {
    head: Link<T>,
    tail: Link<T>,
    len: usize,

While we could dynamically calculate the length of our LinkedList, it is more efficient to keep track of its length as we push and pop data items.

LinkedList constructor

Our LinkedList methods will be enclosed in a block: impl<T> LinkedList<T> { ... }. Like with our Node methods, this implementation block will allow our LinkedList methods to take in data items of the generic data type T, making our LinkedList flexible like our Node!

A new LinkedList starts out empty, with no head or tail node and a length of 0.

/// Creates an empty LinkedList.
pub fn new() -> LinkedList<T> {
    LinkedList {
        head: None,
        tail: None,
        len: 0,

Push methods

Our LinkedList push methods are where this project starts to get really fun!

By convention, “push” by itself means pushing to the end of the LinkedList and “pushing to the front” means exactly that.

To push a new node to the end of the list, we first create another Node containing the new data item. If the LinkedList is empty, the new Node becomes the new head and tail. Otherwise, the new node becomes the new tail. The last part of our push() method ensures that the old tail and the new tail point to each other and the LinkedList is tracking the new tail.

The as_ref() method called on our Link instances allows us to borrow the Rc held within the Option instance, rather than taking ownership of it. With the Rc borrowed, we can dynamically borrow the Node contained within the Link via the borrow_mut() method called on the RefCell nested within the Link.

/// Pushes the data item to the end of the LinkedList.
pub fn push(&mut self, data: T) {
    let new_node: Link<T> = Node::new_link(data);
    // Increase the len counter
    self.len += 1;
    // Handle case for empty list
    if self.head.is_none() && self.tail.is_none() {
        self.head = new_node.clone();
        self.tail = new_node;
    // Update the tail to point at the new node and connect to the old tail
    self.tail = new_node;

The great part about our LinkedList being symmetrical is that our push_front() method ends up being similar to push(), with references to head/tail and prev/next being swapped around.

/// Pushes the data item to the front of the LinkedList.
pub fn push_front(&mut self, data: T) {
    let new_node: Link<T> = Node::new_link(data);
    // Increase the len counter
    self.len += 1;
    // Handle case for empty list
    if self.head.is_none() && self.tail.is_none() {
        self.head = new_node.clone();
        self.tail = new_node;
    // Update the head to point at the new node and connect to the old head
    self.head = new_node;

Pop methods

The value we get from popping a data item from our LinkedList depends on whether or not it has nodes within it. Like our push methods, “pop” by itself refers to removing a value from the end (tail) of the LinkedList and “pop from the front” means what it says.

If our LinkedList contains at least one Node, our pop() method will return the value contained in the removed node wrapped in a Some from the Option. Otherwise, it will return a None value indicating that no Node was removed.

The case where the LinkedList has only one item needs to be handled to avoid panicking by attempting to call a method on a None value.

/// Removes the last node from the LinkedList. Returns Some containing the value
/// from the removed node, otherwise None.
pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Rc<T>> {
    // Handle case for empty list
    if self.head.is_none() && self.tail.is_none() {
        return None;
    // Update the tail to be the second-last node and return value contained in removed node
    let old_tail = self.tail.clone();
    let old_data = old_tail.as_ref().unwrap().borrow().get_data();
    // Update head and tail
    if self.len() == 1 {
        self.head = None;
        self.tail = None;
    } else {
        self.tail = old_tail.as_ref().unwrap().borrow().get_prev();
    // Decrease the len counter
    self.len -= 1;

As with the push methods, the pop methods are symmetrical. For the pop_front() method, the references to head/tail and prev/next are swapped around compared to the pop() method.

/// Removes the first node from the LinkedList. Returns Some containing the
/// value from the removed node, otherwise None.
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<Rc<T>> {
    // Handle case for empty list
    if self.head.is_none() && self.tail.is_none() {
        return None;
    // Update head to be second node and return value contained in removed node
    let old_head = self.head.clone();
    let old_data = old_head.as_ref().unwrap().borrow().get_data();
    // Update head and tail
    if self.len == 1 {
        self.head = None;
        self.tail = None;
    } else {
        self.head = old_head.as_ref().unwrap().borrow().get_next();
    // Decrease the len counter
    self.len -= 1;

Checking length

Checking the length of our LinkedList is very straightforward now since we have been keeping track of the nodes as they are pushed and popped.

/// Returns the number of items contained in the LinkedList.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

For the sake of completeness, we should implement an is_empty() method because we have a len() method. Our LinkedList will be empty if the len field is equal to 0.

/// Checks if the LinkedList is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
    self.len == 0


It is good practice to write and use test cases for your code. That way you know if your implementation is behaving as expected and have a heads-up if something has broken through changes to your code.

Below are some example test methods we can use to check various parts of the functionality of our LinkedList. These test methods are by no means exclusive - feel free to write more test cases yourself. You can execute the test methods using the cargo test command.

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_push_back_length() {
        let mut new_list = LinkedList::<i32>::new();
        let values = (0..10).collect::<Vec<i32>>();
        for i in values {
        assert_eq!(new_list.len(), 10);

    fn test_push_front_length() {
        let mut new_list = LinkedList::<i32>::new();
        let values = (0..10).collect::<Vec<i32>>();
        for i in values {
        assert_eq!(new_list.len(), 10);

Wrapping Up

The full source code of my LinkedList implementation can be found on my GitHub. I’ve included some additional test methods and other features beyond what I’ve covered in this walkthrough, such as implementing iterator features for our LinkedList.

Feel free to take this walkthrough as a starting point and extend it further!

Reach out to me on LinkedIn or GitHub and let me know what you think!


  • 18 July 2023: I updated the pop() and pop_front() methods discussed in this article to fix a bug highlighted through community feedback on GitHub.
  • 30 August 2023: I have simplified the definition of the Link<T> type. Since RefCell is used in the definition of the Link<T> type, the usage of Box was not strictly required. The GitHub issue referencing this code change be found here.